Terhi Paldanius
Jukka Untamala
Jussi Tuhkanen
Petja Kainulainen

16 Aug 2024 Thank you Our Festival 2024!

Kamus Quartet would like to thank everyone for Our Festival (Meidän Festivaali) 2024! Five first performances, lots of fun and great music!

Kiitos - Thank you!


18 Jan 2023 WORLD PREMIERE of a string quartet by Veli-Matti Puumala!

We are super happy to announce that we will perform the world premiere of a brand new string quartet by Veli-Matti Puumala in Musica Nova Helsinki on 2.3.2023 in EspooThe concert also features another great piece by Gabriella Smith, Carrot Revolution.

Should be super cool! Come and see, more info HERE!


16 Jul 2022 OUR FESTIVAL in just one week!

Dear Festival guest,

welcome to Our Festival to observe the plethora of things we have on loan!

Musical loans have always fascinated us. Often in rehearsals someone joyfully shouts out when noticing the composer has been to one of their colleagues’ idea stashes. Sometimes a musical loan is taken as a compliment, sometimes the loaner gets in trouble with copyright breaches and sometimes cultural loans can be hurtful appropriation, even stealing. When we’re planning concert programs we also borrow ideas and productions, modifying them to work for our purposes.

When we were pondering on all the things on loan our thoughts also went towards loaned instruments, which are a prerequisite to make music for us and numerous colleagues. We also wondered if supporting culture could be thought of as a loan that’s paid back in the form of art in time. Our Festival doens’t come together without numerous loans either, as all of our one-of-a-kind venues are simply on a loan and our production would quickly become desperate if we didn’t have cars for loan, for example.

Once again Our Festival, with Kallio-kuninkala as it’s heart, can bid event-longing guests welcome to enjoy music, talks, fabulous artists and unique venues. We are super-duper-happy to have great musicians with us, including the Grammy- and Pulitzer-winning Caroline Shaw and the great, also Grammy-winner So Percussion! See you soon! Check out the festival programme from HERE!

Thankful and happy for all this,
Kamus, also known as Terhi, Jukka, Jussi and Petja

02 Jul 2021 Our Festival 2021 is happening!

We are super happy to announce that Our Festival 2021 programme has now been published! To celebrate the 25 years of Our Festival we are happy to say that the programme feels kinda cool! Check out www.meidanfestivaali.fi/eng/ for the programme!

17 Aug 2020 Kamus cycle of all Beethoven string quartets in Kuopio, Tampere and Helsinki
We are happy to announce that we are celebrating the 250 year anniversary of Ludwig van Beethoven by playing all of his string Ludwig van Beethoven in Kuopio, Tampere and Helsinki as three cycles of all pieces! Check out the programme HERE!
04 Aug 2020 Thank you all for Our Festival 2020!

After too many months we got to play to live audience at Our Festival 2020! Thank you to all of you in the live audience, listening to us in radio, podcasts and streamed concerts! We REALLY hope to see you all soon again!


09 Jul 2019 Our Festival 2019 programme published!

We are very happy to start as the artistic directors of Meidän Festivaali (Our Festival)! 

Check out programme for year 2019 from https://meidanfestivaali.fi/eng/programme/


25 Jun 2018 Kamus appointed as the next Artistic Director of Our Festival!

We are happy to announce that our quartet has been appointed as the next Artistic Director of Meidän Festivaali / Our Festival. Our first festival will be in 2019. The position of Artistic Director at Our Festival has been one of Pekka Kuusisto’s sources of joy for more than a decade. And we are extremely happy to continue the festival we have enjoyed to play at since many years!

#happy #joy #enthusiastic

25 Jun 2018 Kamus Festivals 2018!
Our programme for Summer 2018 has been published! We are happy to be at Our Festival, Jyväskylä Summer, Rauma Festivo, Sysmä Summer Sounds, Iitti Music Festival, Lohja Tenor Days and Riihimäki Summer Concerts! Happy summer to you all!
30 Apr 2018 Summer 2018 concerts

The quartets summer season concerts in Finland 2018 are now published in the concerts page. Some updates will still come but we are happy to see so many new festivals in our tour schedule and delighted to get to visit so many wonderful festivals again.

05 Feb 2018 Kamus wins the "Emma" Award for the best Classical CD of 2017!

We are very very happy to announce that our latest CD "Homunculus" won the Emma Award for the best classical CD of 2017!


06 Sep 2017 Kamus Quartet in 3 minutes

11 Feb 2016 Kamus new CD to win a prize from YLE

Kamus Quartets recent recording Different Voices won the Finnish National Broadcasting company's prize for the best album of the year 2015!

We are very happy and delighted for such an honor. Many thanks to our recording company Alba records and to our producer Johannes Meissl and sound engineer Thomas Lang  

05 Oct 2015 Kamus to join Lomonaco Artists

We are very delighted to announce our signing with the Lomonaco Artists! Lomonaco Artists is a dynamic boutique agency based in London and will take care of quartets international affairs.

Please read more from www.lomonaco-artist.com 


"Osmo Tapio Räihälä : Zensolence"  - Räihälä

"For The Baltic Sea"  - Stenhammar - Nielsen - Wennäkoski - Tarrodi (Alba Records, 2021) 

"Beyond Poems: Chamber Music of Outi Tarkiainen" - Tarkiainen (Alba Records, 2018)

"Homunculus" - Salonen - Ligeti - Britten (Alba Records, 2018) 

"Different Voices" - Sibelius - Tiensuu - Kaipainen (Alba Records, 2015)

Seppo Pohjola: Complete string quartets (Alba Records, 2011)



2018 Emma Prize for the best classical recording

2016 Best recording of the year 2015 by Finnish National broadcasting company

2004 Kuhmo international chamber music competition:
     3rd prize and the prize for best performance of the
     compulsory piece

2004 Melartin competition Finland
     1st prize and the prize for best performance of the
     compulsory piece

Artistic director of Our Festival
Artistic director of the Teema@Helsinki concert series
Quartet in residence in Kuopio conservatory of music
European Chamber Music Academy, ECMA Alumni
Benefactor and affiliate, HelsinkiMissio


2002-2005 Sibelius Academy, Helsinki
2004-2005 Britten-Pears Programme for young gifted artists, Aldeburgh UK
2006-2010 European Chamber Music Academy, ECMA


Violin by F. Gagliano (Terhi Paldanius)
Violin by C.A. Testore (Jukka Untamala)
Viola by J.F. Guidantus (Jussi Tuhkanen)
     - Kindly lend by Pohjola Bank Art foundation
Violoncello by C-A. Miremont (Petja Kainulainen)
     - Kindly lend by Finnish Cultural Foundation

Kamus is a perfectly blended group, and the brilliance of each individual shines through

Helsingin Sanomat

The Kamus Quartet is one of the foremost Nordic ensembles and continues to delight audiences with a strong and distinctive voice. Since 2002 the quartet has become widely known for its versatile artistic programming, open-minded attitude and masterful range of different performance styles from early classical to the very latest contemporary music. Naturally they excel in Finnish repertoire from Sibelius to Saariaho and have premiered a vast number of contemporary string quartets. The quartet's recent projects include "Beethoven Effect", a complete cycle of the Beethoven quartets over 5 days and a forthcoming recording.

In recent years Kamus has toured Belgium, Mexico, the Netherlands, Sweden and the UK.  Their recordings have been praised widely and they have won the Emma Prize for best classical music recording in Finland and the prize for best classical music album by the Finnish National Broadcasting Company.

An active force in Finnish musical life, the Kamus Quartet has developed new ways of presenting chamber music with its acclaimed concert series TeemaHelsinki, seeking out new urban spaces for classical music and highlighting the connection between music and the surroundings. They have also launched a project to help enrich the musical life of rural parts of Finland and are Artistic Directors of the internationally acclaimed and awarded Meidän Festivaali (Our Festival).


Like all great stories, the story of Kamus Quartet is love-themed. The year is 2002. A young couple from Kuopio, Terhi Paldanius and Jukka Untamala, have just moved to Helsinki, and begun their studies at the Sibelius Academy. Then they face the first crisis of their married life: The two violinists realise that two is not company enough. The greatest music in the world is composed for a string quartet - not for two violins. They find themselves in a curious situation: The couple has to find a third and a fourth wheel for their relationship.

As luck would have it, two young men with basketball background, who had since developed a keen interest in music, had also started their studies at the Sibelius Academy, and were looking for something to occupy themselves with. Jussi Tuhkanen, a viola-player from Savonlinna, and Petja Kainulainen, a cellist from Lahti, completed this love story, and the love-child was given the name Kamus.

The quartet begun their studies at the Sibelius Academy with Risto Fredriksson. Later they travelled to England to learn from violinist Hugh Maguire, and studied at the European Chamber Music Academy, ECMA, with Hatto Beyer and Johannes Meissl.

Currently the quartet shares 12 years of common history.

Kamus is a fine name, presumably with profound connotations. What is the story behind the name?

Petja: I came up with the name after a long and strenuous process. I had suggested a lot of stupid names, along the lines of Warthog, and then one morning I woke up with this name in my head. To my knowledge, it means absolutely nothing.

So there really is no allusion to, for example, Albert Camus?

Terhi: An allusion to Camus, but not Albert. In fact we are waiting for the day when the Camus Cognac will be spelt with a 'k'. On that day our work is done.

Does each of you have a specific role in the quartet?

Jussi: For the most part of our time together, Terhi has \u2013 willingly or not \u2013 been in charge of some amount of discipline. We can all still clearly remember the one rehearsal we had without her. That was the biggest waste of time ever.

What kind of changes has your quartet gone through?

Jukka: We've gone through everything a string quartet can go through, except for change of personnel. We don't swing that way. We've studied hard and extensively. Afterwards we needed a few years to take it all in, until we found our own style.

What is life like in a string quartet?

Petja: Well we had a FIFA phase, during which we played a lot of Xbox at Terhi's and Tillo's. Other phases were the exciting early stage, studying in England with the wonderful Hugh Maguire, and a hard-working phase at the European Chamber Music Academy.

Who's Tillo?

Everybody: Tillo is Jukka.

Terhi: Guess you might say Tillo's nickname is Jukka.

Any other nicknames?

Terhi: Quite a few, not all of them print worthy.

Jussi: I'm Jusba, Tuhkis or Alpo.

What else have you done besides playing in a quartet?

Jukka: Jussi dabbled with tennis for a while, but at his second practice he fell in the shower and broke a bone in his hand. That resulted in the longest practice brake in the history of the quartet.

What is your mission for the quartet?

Terhi: We consider it important to broaden Finnish musical life with string quartet culture, which tends to almost disappear during winter-time outside of the big festivals. Furthermore we want to take music to remote and unordinary places.

Where would you like to have a chance to play?

Jussi: The place doesn't matter. It's always great to play whether it is an old plane hangar at Suomenlinna or a nursing home in Germany. Well, okay, it would be great to play the Wigmore hall in London. The concert would run for hours and would consist of all the best music ever written, and the best music yet to be written.

What is music for?

Petja: Understanding.

Jukka: Life.

By Sonja Saarikoski
(translated by Lauri Niskanen)


J. Haydn:
Quartet Op. 1, No. 1 in Bb Major
Quartet Op. 33, No. 3 in C Major ("The Bird")
Quartet Op. 50, No. 2 in C Major
Quartet Op. 50, No. 3 in Eb Major
Quartet Op. 54, No. 2 in C Major
Quartet Op. 64, No. 5 in D major ("The Lark")
Quartet Op. 71, No. 2 in D Major
Quartet Op. 76, No. 1 in G Major
Quartet Op. 76, No. 4 in Bb Major ("The Sunrise")
Quartet Op. 76, No. 5 in D Major
Quartet Op.103 in D minor

W. A. Mozart:
Quartet KV 160 in Eb Major
Quartet KV 387 in G Major
Quartet KV 428 in Eb Major
Quartet KV 465 in C Major ("Dissonance")
Quartet KV 575 in D major
Quartet KV 590 in F Major
Adagio and Fugue KV 546 in C Minor

L. van Beethoven:
All of them, opp. 18, 59, 74, 95, 127, 130, 131, 132, 133, 135

F. Schubert:
String Quartet in D Minor D 810 ("Death and the Maiden")
Quartettsatz in C Minor D 703

Felix Mendelssohn:
String Quartet in A MinorOp. 13
String Quartet in E Minor Op.44 no 2 

Fanny Mendelssohn:
String Quartet in E flat major H.277 

R. Schumann:
String Quartet Op. 41 No. 1 in A Minor
String Quartet Op.41 No. 3 in A Major

J. Brahms:
String Quartet No. 1 in C Minor
String Quartet No. 2 in A minor

A. Dvorak:
String Quartet Op. 106 in G Major
The Cypresses

Hugo Wolf:
Italian Serenade

B. Britten:
String Quartet No. 1 Op. 25
String Quartet No. 2 Op. 36
String Quartet No. 3 Op.94

C. Debussy:
String Quartet in G Minor

D. Milhaud:
String Quartet No. 1 (1912)

B. Bartok:
String Quartet No.3 (1927)
String Quartet No.5 (1934)

L.Janacek :
String Quartet No. 1 "Kreutzer Sonata"  (1923)
String Quartet No. 2 "Intimate Letters" (1928)

D. Shostakovich:
String Quartet No. 4
String Quartet No. 6
String Quartet No. 7
String Quartet No. 8
String Quartet No. 9
String Quartet No. 10

A. Schnittke:
String Quartet No. 3 (1934)

A. Webern:
Fünf Sätze Op. 5
Langsamer Satz

String quartet no 3 op.30

A. Piazzolla:
Tango for Four


String Quartet No. 1 (1953-1954)
String Quartet No. 2 (1968) 

John's Book of Alleged Dances (1994) 

Thomas Ades :
Arcadiana Op.12 (1994) 

Bryce Dessner:
Little Blue Something (2012)
Tenebrae (2010) 
Aheyem (2009)

Lukas Ligeti:
Moving Houses (2004)

Missy Mazzoli:
Death Valley Junction (2010)

Caroline Shaw:
Entr'acte (2011)


Carrot Revolution

J. Sibelius:
Quartet Op. 56 in D Minor "Voces intimae"
Allegro Appasionato 
Alla Marcia in E minor
Allegretto in D major
Adagio in D minor

Erkki Melartin:
Quartet Op. 36, No. 2 in G Minor

Taneli Kuusisto:
Quartettino (1925)

Veli-Matti Puumala:
String Quartet (1994)
String Quartet no 2 (2023)

Seppo Pohjola :
String Quartets 1-5

Lotta Wennäkoski:
Culla d'aria (2003-04)
Flickereth (2023)

Adam Vilagi:
Coexistence (2005-06)

Kaija Saariaho : 

Terra Memoria (2006) 

Esa-Pekka Salonen:

Homunculus (2007)

Outi Tarkiainen:
Trois Poèmes (2013) 

Aki Yli-Salomäki:
Uinukainen (2015)
Yhdessä (2018)

Sebastian Hiili:
Elogio de la sombra (2015)

Minna Leinonen: 
and we are rotating with it (2023) 

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart:
String Quintet in C minor KV 406
String Quintet in G minor KV 516
Clarinet Quintet in A major KV 581

Luigi Boccherini:
String Quintet Op. 12 No. 2 in E flat major
Guitar Quintet in E minor
Guitar Quintet in D major "Fandango"
Flute Quintet Op. 17 No. 5 in G major

Franz Schubert:
String Quintet in C major

Johannes Brahms:
Piano Quintet Op. 34 in F minor
String Quintet Op. 111 in G major

Dmitri Shostakovich:
Piano Quintet in G minor op.57

Ernest Bloch:
Piano Quintet No. 1

Alfred Schnittke:
Piano Quintet

Jean Sibelius:
Piano Quintet in G minor

Einojuhani Rautavaara:

String Quintet "Unknown Heavens"

Tommi Kärkkäinen:
 "Fragilia" Guitar Quintet (2003)

Jan-Mikael Vainio:
Saxophone Quintet (2002-2004)

Friedrich Ernst Fesca:
French Horn Quintet Potpourri



 AUTUMN 2024

22.9.2024 at 18:00 "Helsinki Seriös" Sibelius Academy Concert Hall with Caroline Shaw

Shaw - Desprez - Scarlatti - Beethoven 

29.9.2024 at 16:00 Concertgebouw Brugge with Caroline Shaw 

Shaw - Desprez - Scarlatti - Beethoven  

30.9.2024 at 20:00 Bozar Brussels with Caroline Shaw

Shaw - Desprez - Scarlatti - Beethoven  

9.10.2024 at 19:30 Wigmore Hall, London with Caroline Shaw

Shaw - Desprez - Scarlatti - Beethoven  

11.10.2024 at 20:15, Concertgebouw Amsterdam with Carolie Shaw 

Shaw - Desprez - Scarlatti - Beethoven  


28.7.-3.8.2024 Meidän Festivaali - Our Festival

To check out programme click here! 


24.1.-25.1.2024 Kaustinen Chamber Music Week, Kaustinen

Shaw - Rohloff (first performance) - Beethoven - Nordgren - Saariaho

27.3.2024 at 19:00 ”Beethoven Effect”, Kangasala-talo, Kangasala


18.5. at 18:00 ”PROBALTICA Music Festival”, Torun, Poland

Sibelius - Weinberg - Beethoven 

22.5. at 19:00 ”Beethoven Effect”, Olari Church, Espoo



23.9.-24.9.2023 PianoEspoo Festival, Espoo

Mozart - Haydn

28.10.2023 at 19:00 Kauniaisten Musiikkijuhlat, Uusi Paviljonki, Kauniainen

Wennäkoski - Beethoven - Weinberg

24.11.2023 at 19:30 Music - Mission - Vision- festival, Centar kulture na Pe¨čenici, Zagreb

Wennäkoski- Shaw - Saariaho - Tarkiainen  


8.7. - 15.7. 2023 Kuhmo Chamber Music Festival (check out festival programme here)

22.7.2023 at 18:00, Crusell Music Festival, Uusikaupunki Church

Golijov - Yli-Salomäki - Beethoven

23.7.-29.7. Our Festival (check out festival programme here!)


14.5.2023 at 15,  "Dreams and prayers", Sellosali, Espoo

Golijov - Yli-Salomäki (with Olli Leppäniemi,clarinet) 

10.5.2023 at 18, Helsinki University


17.3.2023 at 19:30 House of Music, Budapest

Sibelius - Saariaho 

2.3.2023 klo 21:15, Musica Nova Helsinki,Espoo Cultural Centre, Tapiola Hall

Puumala (world premiere) - Smith 


23.10.2022 klo 16, Maj Lind Piano Competition, Sibelius Academy Concert hall, Helsinki

Schumann -  Brahms


17.6.2022 at 19:30 Musica Kalevi Aho, Forssa

Aho - Together with Sonja Fräki, piano and Virpi Räisänen, soprano

18.6.2022 Kangasala Classic, Kangasala Hall

”A Late Quartet”, Beethoven op.131 together with the movie A Late Quartet

8.7.2022 at 19:00 Hauho Music Festival, Hauho Church

Webern - Saariaho - Schubert (together with Maria Morfin Venäläinen, cello)

OUR FESTIVAL 23.7.-30.7.2022

23.7.2022 at 11:00, 12:15 and 13:30 ”Our Festival on tour” 

24.7.2022 Restaurant Tiilitehdas

- Saariaho -

25.7.2022 at 19:00 Järvenpää Church

Saariaho - Bach

26.7.2022 at 12-14 Tuusula Library ”Inside the Quartet”

26.7.at 20:00 Tuusula Church


27.7.at 12-13 Kallio-Kuninkala Leonora Hall ”Open rehearsal”


27.7. at 19:00 Halosenniemi

Shaw - Schubert

28.7.at 15 and at 17, Suviranta


28.7. at 17-19 Inside the quartet, Järvenpää Hall

29.7. at 12-14 Inside the quartet, Jokela Library

29.7. at 17:00 Kallio-Kuninkala, Leonora Hall

Grieg - Nielsen

30.7. at 12-14 Inside the quartet, Kallio-Kuninkala, Leonora Hall

30.7. at 14:00 Kallio-Kuninkala, Leonora Hall


30.7. at 17:15 Kallio-Kuninkala Garden

Schubert together with Anna Westerlund, cello

30.7. at 18:30 Kallio-Kuninkala, Leonora Hall

Shaw - Trueman, together with So Percussion

6.8.2022 at 19:00, Saint Olav Church, Pellinge

Grieg - Nielsen - Sibelius



14.9.2021 klo 19:00, Balder Hall, Helsinki (Tampere Biennale / Tulkinnanvaraista)

Haapanen - Vakkilainen - Eränkö - Yli-Salomäki 

BEETHOVEN EFFECT HELSINKI, all concerts in Helsinki Music Hall, Paavo Hall

All string quartets of Ludwig van Beethoven in six concerts together with author and musicologist Minna Lindgren

14.12. at 19:00 "Music"

String quartets in G major op 18/2, E flat major "Harp" op 74, B flat major op 130 and "Grosse Fuge" op 133

15.12.at 19:00 "Interface"

String quartets in C minor op 18/4 and C major Razumovsky" op 59/3

16.12. at 18:00 "Person"

String quartets in D major op 18/3, E minor "Razumovsky" op 59/2, E flat major op 127

17.12. at 19:00 "Sickness"

String quartets B flat major op 18/6, F major "Razumovsky" op 59/1 , A minor op 132

18.12. at 14:00 "Victory"

String quartets F major op 18/1 ja C sharp minor op 131

18.12. at 19:00 "Heritage"

String quartets A major op 18/5, F minor "Serioso" op.95, F major op 135


21.7. at 18:00, Joensuu Conservatory Hall

Beethoven - Kokkonen

OUR FESTIVAL 24.7.-31.7.

24.7. 12:00-16:00, Järvenpää / Tuusula Our Tour

25.7. at 15:00 Järvenpää Art Museum


25.7. at 18:30, 19:30 and 21:00, Halosenniemi


26.7. at 14:00, 15:00, 16:00 and 17:00, Ainola

Sibelius (arr. Luukas Hiltunen)

26.7. at 20:00, Leonora Hall


27.7. at 16:00, Järvenpää Church

Kuikka - Gustavsson - Tenkanen - Kokonen - Bach (arr. Mozart)

29.7. at 15:00 and 17:00, Suviranta


30.7. at 19:30, Leonora Hall


31.7. at 20:00, Leonora Hall


7.8.-8.8. Pellinge Festival

7.8. klo 14 Solhälla, Pellinge


7.8. klo 19:00, Solhälla, Pellinge

Castelnuovo-Tedesco - Beethoven

8.8. klo 18:00 Porvoo Cathedral



29.8. at 16:00 Karl Collan-hall, Iisalmi


30.8. at 14:00 Kuoppakankaan seurakuntatalo, Varkaus


7.9. at 18:00 Kino Soi! : Kamus & A Late Quartet, Kino Tapiola, Espoo

First we watch the film ”A Late Quartet” (2012) and after that we’ll hear Beethoven op.131 

BEETHOVEN EFFECT KUOPIO 1.-4.10., all concerts in Kuopio Music Centre

Complete string quartets by Ludwig van Beethoven in six concerts, hosted by Minna Lindgren! 

1.10. at 21:00 "Interface"

String quartets C minor op 18/4 and C major "Razumovsky" op 59/3

2.10. at 19:00 "Music"

String quartets G major op 18/2, E flat Major "Harp" op 74, B flat major op 130 and "Grosse Fuge" op 133

3.10. at 14:00 "Person"

String quartets in D major op 18/3, in E minor "Razumovsky" op 59/2, E flat major op 127

3.10. at 18:00 "Illness"

String quartets in B flat major op 18/6, F major "Razumovsky" op 59/1 , A minor op 132

4.10. at 12:00 "Victory"

String quartets F major op 18/1 and C sharp minor op 131

4.10. at 15:00 "Heritage"

String quartets A major op 18/5, F minor "Serioso" op.95, F major op 135 

11.10. at 16:00 "BEETHOVEN'S STORY" at The House of Nobility, Helsinki

Beethoven ops. 130 and 133 

BEETHOVEN EFFECT TAMPERE 12.-15.11.2020, all concerts except the concert "Interface" on 13.11. in Tampere Hall, Small Auditorium

Complete string quartets by Ludwig van Beethoven in six concerts, hosted by Minna Lindgren!

12.11. at 19:00 "Music"

String quartets G major op 18/2, E flat major "Harp" op.74, B flat major op 130 and "Grosse Fuge" op 133

13.11. at 17:00 "Interface" (in Tampere Main Library Metso!)

String quartets C minor op 18/4, C major op 59/3 "Razumovsky" 

14.11. at 14:00 "Person"

String quartets D major op 18/3, E minor "Razumovsky" op 59/2, E flat major op 127

14.11. at 19:00 "Illness"

String quartets B flat major op 18/6, F major "Razumovsky" op 59/1, A minor op 132

15.11. at 14:00 "Victory"

String quartets F major op 18/1, C sharp minor op 131

15.11. at 18:00 "Heritage"

String quartets A major op 18/5, F minor "Serioso" op 95, F major op 135 


Complete string quartets by Ludwig van Beethoven in six concerts, hosted by Minna Lindgren in Musiikkitalo

4.12. at 19:00 "Music"

String quartets G major op 18/2, E flat major "Harp" op.74, B flat major op 130 and "Grosse Fuge" op 133

5.12.at 14:00 "Interface"

String quartets C minor op 18/4 and C major "Razumovsky" op 59/3

5.12. at 18:00 "Person"

String quartets D major op 18/3, E minor "Razumovsky" op 59/2, E flat major op 127 

11.12. at 19:00 "Illness"

String quartets B flat major op 18/6, F major "Razumovsky" op 59/1, A minor op 132

12.12. at 14:00 "Victory"

String quartets F major op 18/1, C sharp minor op 131 

12.12. at 18:00 "Heritage"

String quartets A major op 18/5, F minor "Serioso" op 95, F major op 135



OUR FESTIVAL 26.7.-2.8.2020

26.7. TOUR

12:15 Kivipuisto sheltered home, 14:00 Martta Augusta-home, 15:30 Riihikallio sheltered home

 Meidän Festivaalin ohjelmaa 

27.7. AINOLA I-X, at 13:00, 13:30, 14:00, 15:30, 16:00, 16:30, 17:00, 18:00, 18:30, 19:00

Ten concerts in Jean and Aino Sibelius' home Ainola

28.7. at 16:00 Järvenpään Art Museum

Hensel -  Tamusuza

29.7. klo 19:00 Krapin Paja


30.7. HALOSENNIEMI I-VII at 18:45, 19:15, 19:45, 20:15, 20:45, 21:15, 21:45, 22:15

Seven concerts for micro-audience

31.7. at 18:00, Järvenpää-talo



2.4.  at 21 Tampereen Vanha Kirkko, Tampere Biennale

Haapanen - Vakkilainen - Eränkö  - Yli-Salomäki 

15.4. and  16.4. Kammaren, Tukholma

Janacek - Mendelssohn

6.5. 18 Kino Tapiola, Espoo, Kino Soi!



21.9. at 15:00 AND at 19:00 ”Seasons of Silence”, Särestö, Kittilä

Programme to be confirmed 

18.10. at 19:00 Henry Le Boeuf Hall, Bozar, Brussels

Sallinen - Stenhammar

20.10. at 11:00 Studio, Bozar, Brussels

Sibelius - Fagerlund -  Nielsen

21.10. at 19:45 St Mary’s Church, Luton

Sibelius - Fagerlund - Nielsen 

3.11. at 16:00 Balder Hall, Helsinki

Schostakovich (with Anna Laakso, piano) 

23.11. at 21:00 G-livelab Tampere

Laura Moisio

28.11. at 19:00 G-livelab Helsinki

Laura Moisio  



22.3. at 19:30 Champs Hill, Sussex

Sibelius - Mendelssohn -Beethoven

24.3. at 14:00 Swansea University, Wales

Sibelius - Mendelssohn - Sostakovits

26.4. klo 19 Kuopio Music center, Kamarisali

Dessner - Adams - Britten   

5.5. at 15 Sello Hall, Espoo

Surprise Programme!!


5.6. Langinkosken keisarillinen kalastusmaja - Lohisoitto, Kotka

Scarlatti - Aho - Mendelssohn

28.6. Musica Kalevi Aho, Forssa


28.7.-3.8.2019 OUR FESTIVAL

28.7. at 17 Pekka Halosen Akatemia

Mazzolli -Stenhammar - Pettersson (sol. John Storgårds, violin) 

28.7. at 19:30 Leonora Hall, Kallio-Kuninkala


29.7.  at 14:30 and at 17 Ainola, Järvenpää


29.7.  at 19:00 Leonora Hall, Kallio-Kuninkala

Ilari Kaila (with Joonas Ahonen, piano)

30.7. at 18:30 Järvenpään Seuratalo

Vivaldi (sol. Pekka Kuusisto, violin)

31.7. at 17 Leonora Hall, Kallio-Kuninkala

Schumann (with Markus Groh, piano)

2.8. at 19 Tuusula Church

Enescu (with Eriikka Maalismaa, Tami Pohjola, Malin Broman and Johannes Rostamo)

LA 3.8. Leonora Hall, Kallio-Kuninkala

Prättälä (first performance) - Sibelius

(with Tuomo Prättälä, Eriikka Maalismaa, Tami Pohjola, Malin Broman and Johannes Rostamo) 


14.9.2021 klo 19:00, Balder Hall, Helsinki (Tampere Biennale / Tulkinnanvaraista)

Haapanen - Vakkilainen - Eränkö - Yli-Salomäki 

BEETHOVEN EFFECT HELSINKI, all concerts in Helsinki Music Hall, Paavo Hall

All string quartets of Ludwig van Beethoven in six concerts together with author and musicologist Minna Lindgren

14.12. at 19:00 "Music"

String quartets in G major op 18/2, E flat major "Harp" op 74, B flat major op 130 and "Grosse Fuge" op 133

15.12.at 19:00 "Interface"

String quartets in C minor op 18/4 and C major Razumovsky" op 59/3

16.12. at 18:00 "Person"

String quartets in D major op 18/3, E minor "Razumovsky" op 59/2, E flat major op 127

17.12. at 19:00 "Sickness"

String quartets B flat major op 18/6, F major "Razumovsky" op 59/1 , A minor op 132

18.12. at 14:00 "Victory"

String quartets F major op 18/1 ja C sharp minor op 131

18.12. at 19:00 "Heritage"

String quartets A major op 18/5, F minor "Serioso" op.95, F major op 135


21.7. at 18:00, Joensuu Conservatory Hall

Beethoven - Kokkonen

OUR FESTIVAL 24.7.-31.7.

24.7. 12:00-16:00, Järvenpää / Tuusula Our Tour

25.7. at 15:00 Järvenpää Art Museum


25.7. at 18:30, 19:30 and 21:00, Halosenniemi


26.7. at 14:00, 15:00, 16:00 and 17:00, Ainola

Sibelius (arr. Luukas Hiltunen)

26.7. at 20:00, Leonora Hall


27.7. at 16:00, Järvenpää Church

Kuikka - Gustavsson - Tenkanen - Kokonen - Bach (arr. Mozart)

29.7. at 15:00 and 17:00, Suviranta


30.7. at 19:30, Leonora Hall


31.7. at 20:00, Leonora Hall


7.8.-8.8. Pellinge Festival

7.8. klo 14 Solhälla, Pellinge


7.8. klo 19:00, Solhälla, Pellinge

Castelnuovo-Tedesco - Beethoven

8.8. klo 18:00 Porvoo Cathedral




29.8. at 16:00 Karl Collan-hall, Iisalmi


30.8. at 14:00 Kuoppakankaan seurakuntatalo, Varkaus


7.9. at 18:00 Kino Soi! : Kamus & A Late Quartet, Kino Tapiola, Espoo

First we watch the film ”A Late Quartet” (2012) and after that we’ll hear Beethoven op.131 

BEETHOVEN EFFECT KUOPIO 1.-4.10., all concerts in Kuopio Music Centre

Complete string quartets by Ludwig van Beethoven in six concerts, hosted by Minna Lindgren! 

1.10. at 21:00 "Interface"

String quartets C minor op 18/4 and C major "Razumovsky" op 59/3

2.10. at 19:00 "Music"

String quartets G major op 18/2, E flat Major "Harp" op 74, B flat major op 130 and "Grosse Fuge" op 133

3.10. at 14:00 "Person"

String quartets in D major op 18/3, in E minor "Razumovsky" op 59/2, E flat major op 127

3.10. at 18:00 "Illness"

String quartets in B flat major op 18/6, F major "Razumovsky" op 59/1 , A minor op 132

4.10. at 12:00 "Victory"

String quartets F major op 18/1 and C sharp minor op 131

4.10. at 15:00 "Heritage"

String quartets A major op 18/5, F minor "Serioso" op.95, F major op 135 

11.10. at 16:00 "BEETHOVEN'S STORY" at The House of Nobility, Helsinki

Beethoven ops. 130 and 133 

BEETHOVEN EFFECT TAMPERE 12.-15.11.2020, all concerts except the concert "Interface" on 13.11. in Tampere Hall, Small Auditorium

Complete string quartets by Ludwig van Beethoven in six concerts, hosted by Minna Lindgren!

12.11. at 19:00 "Music"

String quartets G major op 18/2, E flat major "Harp" op.74, B flat major op 130 and "Grosse Fuge" op 133

13.11. at 17:00 "Interface" (in Tampere Main Library Metso!)

String quartets C minor op 18/4, C major op 59/3 "Razumovsky" 

14.11. at 14:00 "Person"

String quartets D major op 18/3, E minor "Razumovsky" op 59/2, E flat major op 127

14.11. at 19:00 "Illness"

String quartets B flat major op 18/6, F major "Razumovsky" op 59/1, A minor op 132

15.11. at 14:00 "Victory"

String quartets F major op 18/1, C sharp minor op 131

15.11. at 18:00 "Heritage"

String quartets A major op 18/5, F minor "Serioso" op 95, F major op 135 


Complete string quartets by Ludwig van Beethoven in six concerts, hosted by Minna Lindgren in Musiikkitalo

4.12. at 19:00 "Music"

String quartets G major op 18/2, E flat major "Harp" op.74, B flat major op 130 and "Grosse Fuge" op 133

5.12.at 14:00 "Interface"

String quartets C minor op 18/4 and C major "Razumovsky" op 59/3

5.12. at 18:00 "Person"

String quartets D major op 18/3, E minor "Razumovsky" op 59/2, E flat major op 127 

11.12. at 19:00 "Illness"

String quartets B flat major op 18/6, F major "Razumovsky" op 59/1, A minor op 132

12.12. at 14:00 "Victory"

String quartets F major op 18/1, C sharp minor op 131 

12.12. at 18:00 "Heritage"

String quartets A major op 18/5, F minor "Serioso" op 95, F major op 135



OUR FESTIVAL 26.7.-2.8.2020

26.7. TOUR

12:15 Kivipuisto sheltered home, 14:00 Martta Augusta-home, 15:30 Riihikallio sheltered home

 Meidän Festivaalin ohjelmaa 

27.7. AINOLA I-X, at 13:00, 13:30, 14:00, 15:30, 16:00, 16:30, 17:00, 18:00, 18:30, 19:00

Ten concerts in Jean and Aino Sibelius' home Ainola

28.7. at 16:00 Järvenpään Art Museum

Hensel -  Tamusuza

29.7. klo 19:00 Krapin Paja


30.7. HALOSENNIEMI I-VII at 18:45, 19:15, 19:45, 20:15, 20:45, 21:15, 21:45, 22:15

Seven concerts for micro-audience

31.7. at 18:00, Järvenpää-talo



2.4.  at 21 Tampereen Vanha Kirkko, Tampere Biennale

Haapanen - Vakkilainen - Eränkö  - Yli-Salomäki 

15.4. and  16.4. Kammaren, Tukholma

Janacek - Mendelssohn

6.5. 18 Kino Tapiola, Espoo, Kino Soi!



21.9. at 15:00 AND at 19:00 ”Seasons of Silence”, Särestö, Kittilä

Programme to be confirmed 

18.10. at 19:00 Henry Le Boeuf Hall, Bozar, Brussels

Sallinen - Stenhammar

20.10. at 11:00 Studio, Bozar, Brussels

Sibelius - Fagerlund -  Nielsen

21.10. at 19:45 St Mary’s Church, Luton

Sibelius - Fagerlund - Nielsen 

3.11. at 16:00 Balder Hall, Helsinki

Schostakovich (with Anna Laakso, piano) 

23.11. at 21:00 G-livelab Tampere

Laura Moisio

28.11. at 19:00 G-livelab Helsinki

Laura Moisio  



22.3. at 19:30 Champs Hill, Sussex

Sibelius - Mendelssohn -Beethoven

24.3. at 14:00 Swansea University, Wales

Sibelius - Mendelssohn - Sostakovits

26.4. klo 19 Kuopio Music center, Kamarisali

Dessner - Adams - Britten   

5.5. at 15 Sello Hall, Espoo

Surprise Programme!!


5.6. Langinkosken keisarillinen kalastusmaja - Lohisoitto, Kotka

Scarlatti - Aho - Mendelssohn

28.6. Musica Kalevi Aho, Forssa


28.7.-3.8.2019 OUR FESTIVAL

28.7. at 17 Pekka Halosen Akatemia

Mazzolli -Stenhammar - Pettersson (sol. John Storgårds, violin) 

28.7. at 19:30 Leonora Hall, Kallio-Kuninkala


29.7.  at 14:30 and at 17 Ainola, Järvenpää


29.7.  at 19:00 Leonora Hall, Kallio-Kuninkala

Ilari Kaila (with Joonas Ahonen, piano)

30.7. at 18:30 Järvenpään Seuratalo

Vivaldi (sol. Pekka Kuusisto, violin)

31.7. at 17 Leonora Hall, Kallio-Kuninkala

Schumann (with Markus Groh, piano)

2.8. at 19 Tuusula Church

Enescu (with Eriikka Maalismaa, Tami Pohjola, Malin Broman and Johannes Rostamo)

LA 3.8. Leonora Hall, Kallio-Kuninkala

Prättälä (first performance) - Sibelius

(with Tuomo Prättälä, Eriikka Maalismaa, Tami Pohjola, Malin Broman and Johannes Rostamo) 

Sarah Bruce, Lomonaco Artists

Tel: +44 (0)20 3732 3619

Lomonaco Artists, 113 New Atlas Wharf, 3 Arnhem Place, London, E14 3ST.

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